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Bead embroidery tool

Tambour Bead Embroidery Tool
Preparing the Needle
This pack includes three sizes of needle heads: small (0,7 mm), medium (0,9 mm), and large (1,2 mm).
Select which one will best fit your thread, when working with embroidery floss, you will need to separate the appropriate number of threads for your project before selecting a needle head. Simply push your desired needle head into the end of your needle handle (1) and twist the knob to secure (2).
For use with a free-standing embroidery hoop. The fabric used should not be easily torn.
How to create basic stitching
1. To begin, simply push the tip of your needle vertically through your fabric. Ensure that the hook is facing the direction in which you will be stitching.
2. Next, hook your thread onto the needle (1) and then rotate the needle 180 degrees clockwise (2)
3. Carefully pull the needle back through your fabric, you may need to angle it backward and push gently against the fabric to prevent snagging. Do not pull the needle out so far that it loses contact with the fabric.
4. Now, twist your needle back to its original position, anti-clockwise (1) and gently push into your fabric, positioned where you would like your next stitch to beginning (2). Repeat steps 1-4 until you have completed your color section.
How to stitch with beads and sequins
A. Thread the number of beads that you will require for this selection of stitching (1). Complete your first stitch as described in the instructions above (2).
B. Slide one bead down to the side of your needle, continue to wrap your thread and pull it through your fabric as in step 2 above. The bead should remain behind your needle.
C. Once you have pulled the needle back through, remember to turn the hook anti-clockwise to its starting position. Repeat this process until you have stitched all of the beads onto your fabric.
How to finish off a chain of stitching
1. In order
€15.72 /pc
Availability: 16
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